March 1, 2024
How Infant Swim Lessons Can Save Lives: A Look Into the ISR Method

Infant swim lessons. We know how preposterous it can sound at first. Most parents are focusing on sleep schedules and weaning, rolling over and creeping, and enjoying all of the first milestones that pop up in the first years of life. We also know that infants are capable of learning so much in those first months, their growth in that regard is tremendous. H2O Survival Swim School leans on this ability to learn and grow to teach infant swim lessons and, in the process, save lives.
Infant Development
According to and multiple other sources, a baby’s brain increases by 1% per day for the first year of life. The brain continues to grow at almost half a percent per day after that. The brain is working hard in the first year of life to take in the world around your infant and to learn everything he or she needs for survival. The brain also has many more synapses during this time which allows for the creation of connections in the brain. There are numerous ways that infant brains are primed for learning and development in the first few years of life. In addition to this, infants are naturally learning skills like how to roll over which is important to our method at H2O Survival Swim School
Our Method
In Infant Swimming Resource lessons, we aren’t teaching flips off the high dive or how to compete in an Olympic medley. Instead, we are teaching and reinforcing the skills your infant will need if they fall into a pool or other body of water and need time to be rescued. Our youngest attendees will learn how to roll over from their front to their backs and float until they can be rescued by an adult. As they learn this skill and their development proceeds, they will learn to hold their breath, kick, and roll to rest, until they can be rescued or make it to the relative safety of a ledge or steps. We teach these skills without and with clothing on since many drowning incidents are not related to active swimming time.
Saving Lives
Our goal is not to prepare your child for the swim team, but to save lives. We share multiple resources with our families and communities and ISR lessons are just one of the resources for your safety toolbox. Attentiveness, fences, and gates, knowing how to perform CPR, and having alarms on exterior doors are also part of our recommendations for water safety and saving the lives of children across the country. What’s more, our methods allow students to know how to gain precious minutes of safety in the water until they can be rescued. Instead of floundering in the water, wasting time and energy, they will be taught to float to catch their breath, saving their own lives.
If your infant is 6 months of age or older and you are ready to prepare them with Infant Swimming Resource lessons, call H2O Survival Swim School today. We will meet with you to discuss our plan for your child and start the steps needed to prevent loss of life and increase their chances for a safe time around any pool or body of water.