
ISR vs. Traditional Swim Lessons: Which is Right for My Child?

Swimming is a vital skill that provides both safety and enjoyment. When deciding on Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) vs. traditional swim lessons, many parents wonder which is right for their child. Each approach has unique features, advantages, and considerations that [...]

By |August 9, 2024|Infant Swim Rescue|

How Infant Swim Lessons Can Save Lives: A Look Into the ISR Method

Infant swim lessons. We know how preposterous it can sound at first. Most parents are focusing on sleep schedules and weaning, rolling over and creeping, and enjoying all of the first milestones that pop up in the first years of [...]

By |March 1, 2024|Infant Swim Rescue, Swim Lessons|

How to Choose the Best Swim Lesson Program? 3 Questions to Consider

We are a society filled with choices and decision-making. These choices come in every form and fashion and while some are less complicated than others, some decisions feel bigger. This is especially true when it comes to life-saving, kid-related decisions, [...]

By |February 23, 2024|Swim Lessons|

When Should Children Start Swim Lessons

Milestones are celebrated by parents all around the world, at different times and for different reasons. Maybe you are excited about your baby’s first smile or word. Maybe you are looking forward to their first step or first day of [...]

By |December 12, 2023|Infant Swim Rescue, Swim Lessons|


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